Monday, March 5

Adventures on Yardsellr

So - after receiving numerous "1,000,000 Free Photon $s" from a few people on Yardsellr, I decided to check them out.  Basically they provide a space for people to sell whatever they want with a user interface that allows you to set prices, add photos, set shipping prices and import other listings from Etsy and Ebay. There is no charge for listing an item, instead the buyer is charged an additional "transaction" fee which pays for the website's maintenance and fees.

This seemed like a good opportunity to sell my crocheted items, so I imported a few things over from Etsy.  I have received some positive feedback regarding my items and their quality, however, I have yet to sell anything.  I keep receiving comments from people begging to be given Photon $ so they only have to pay shipping and the transaction fee.

The problem is that vendors have to buy the photon dollars. So basically, I am paying people to "buy" my merchandise.  This is not how commerce is supposed to work!  I am supposed to be able to make enough money to cover the expense of creating the item and to compensate me for all of the time I spent carefully and lovingly crafting it.

I don't know how much longer I will stay on the site - I'll give it another month I think...  Here is my page:


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