Tuesday, September 7

Free Pattern - Seed Stitch Dishcloth

Seed Stitch Dishcloth
slg studios ©

Yarn: handicrafter's cotton
Hook: H
Dischcloth will measure approximately 7 1/2" square

  1. Ch 31, turn
  2. SC in 2nd st from hook and in each st across (30 sts), Ch 1, turn
  3. Sc in 1st st, Ch 1, sk next st, sc in next st, ch 1 sk next st - repeat from across being sure to sc in very last st from previous row, Ch 1, turn
  4. Sc in first ch 1 sp, ch 1, sc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1 - repeat from across being sure to sc in the very last st from previous row
  5. Repeat Step 4 for 25 more rows
  6. Sc in each st across, end off (total of 30 rows).

Please DO NOT mass copy, redistribute as your own, or SELL this copyrighted pattern.

Please DO feel free to sell any item you make using my pattern, just please credit me as the designer and cite this webpage as your reference.

PS: If you find any errors in the pattern or have any questions about how to work the pattern, you can contact me at slgstudios@att.net

Free Crochet Pattern - The Striped Man-ghan

The Striped Man-ghan
slg studios ©

Yarn: worsted weight arcrylic: 3 - 6 oz skeins of color 1
                                                4 - 6 oz skeins of color 2
                                                   (7 - 6 oz skeins total)
Hook: L
Guage: not important
Finished Size: approximately 40" X 72"
  1. Ch 152
  2. HDC in 3rd ch from hook and all the way across (150 sts)
  3. Turn, end C1, attach C2
  4. Ch 2, HDC in 1st st, sk next st, HDC in st following sk st, go back and HDC in sk st (crossed HDC)
  5. Continue crossed HDC across, you will have 1 st left, HDC in that last st
  6. Turn, ch 2, HDC in 1st st, sk next st, HDC in st following sk st, go back and HDC in sk st (crossed HDC)
  7. Continue crossed HDC across, you will have 1 st left, HDC in that last st
  8. End C2, attach C1, Turn
  9. Ch 2, HDC across, turn
  10. Ch1 sc across, turn
  11. Ch 2 HDc across
  12. End C1, attach C2, turn
  13. Repeat steps 6-12 until desired width is reached
  14. When desired width is reached, end C2, attach C1, turn
  15. Ch 2, HDC across, turn
  16. Ch 1, sc across, turn
  17. Ch 1, sc across - DO NOT TURN - continue to sc around the outside of the afghan, end off when you reach the beginning.

Please DO NOT mass copy, redistribute as your own, or SELL this copyrighted pattern. 

Please DO feel free to sell any throw you make using my pattern, just please credit me as the designer and cite this webpage as your reference.

PS: If you find any errors in the pattern or have any questions about how to work the pattern, you can contact me at slgstudios@att.net